Free Onsite Childcare Available at SNL 2019 in Helsinki!

Thanks to generous funding from the National Institutes of Health, SNL is pleased to offer free onsite childcare as part of the 2019 meeting! Back by popular demand, childcare will allow you to enjoy time with colleagues. This year, we have contracted with “Hoivanet,” a highly recommended event childcare service. Activities will include age appropriate arts and crafts, educational activities, interactive games, and much more!

Childcare will be offered free of charge for children 1-12 years of age. Spaces are limited
and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration for childcare will close on
August 1, 2019, but we recommend that you register early. Drop-ins may be accommodated if room allows, but space cannot be guaranteed.

Childcare schedule:
Tuesday, August 20, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, August 21, 7:45 am – 7:15 pm
Thursday, August 22, 8:15 am – 6:15 pm

Go to Childcare to register.

Registration closes on August 1st, so be sure to sign up as soon as possible!
