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Poster Session A - Sandbox Series
Thursday, October 24, 10:00 - 11:30 am, Great Hall 4
A2 |
How Language Shapes Emotion: An fMRI study of Emotion Verbalization in First and Second Languages |
Aki, Yuto |
Multilingualism |
A3 |
Aldabbagh, Mohammad H. |
Disorders: Acquired |
A4 |
Anderson, Andrew |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
A5 |
Andrade, Katherine |
Control, Selection, and Executive Processes |
A6 |
Prosody production after stroke: acoustic features analysis on a longitudinal speech corpus |
Antonicelli, Giada |
Prosody |
A7 |
Beier, Eleonora |
Prosody |
A8 |
Linguistic and non-linguistic time comprehension after stroke |
Biondo, Nicoletta |
Disorders: Acquired |
A9 |
Neural correlates of speech segmentation in atypical-language adults |
Boutris, Panagiotis |
Speech Perception |
A10 |
Neural Mapping of Language Knowledge Representations in Phrases |
Cao, Feizhen |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
A11 |
Sentence Predictability Shapes the Encoding of Phonetic Detail |
Chang, Will Chih-Chao |
Speech Perception |
A12 |
Chen, Xiaocong |
Language Production |
A13 |
Cordonier, Natacha |
Disorders: Acquired |
A14 |
Cui, Yaxin |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
A15 |
Desai, Rutvik |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
A16 |
Identifying EEG activity related to the linguistic processing of natural language. |
Dou, Jin |
Methods |
A1 |
Classifying brain activity during semantic integration of sentences: An ERP study |
Egashira, Toru |
Computational Approaches |
A17 |
Favero, Paolo |
Control, Selection, and Executive Processes |
A18 |
Reanalysis of Five fMRI language datasets using Representational Similarity Analysis |
Fodor, James |
Computational Approaches |
A19 |
Gallagher, Daniel |
Disorders: Developmental |
A20 |
Individual differences in brain network organization during taboo word perception |
Glotfelty, Annette |
Speech Perception |
A21 |
Gosselin, Leah |
Multilingualism |
A22 |
Hou, Fengyun |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
A23 |
Revisiting human language and speech production network: a meta-analytic connectivity modeling study |
Hsu, Chun-Wei |
Language Production |
A24 |
How emotion influences prediction dynamics during sentence reading: Evidence from brain potentials |
Huang, Jing-Yi |
Reading |
A27 |
The neurobiology of phonological interference and facilitation effects in spoken production |
Huang, Lydia Z. |
Language Production |
A26 |
Huang, Qiang |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
A25 |
Investigating the Neural Substrate of Developmental Dyslexia: A Multimodal Parcellation Study |
Huang, Zian |
Disorders: Developmental |
A28 |
Effects of Disconfirmed Linguistic Predictions on Memory in Bilinguals |
jahanfard, Elaina |
Multilingualism |
A29 |
Jeong, Minhong |
Speech Perception |
A30 |
Jordan, Tyson |
Morphology |
A31 |
Kajiura, Mayumi |
Multisensory or Sensorimotor Integration |
A32 |
Kim, Minkyu |
Language Production |
A33 |
Bilingual child and adult processing of syntactically ambiguous sentences |
Kong-Johnson, Claire |
Multilingualism |
A34 |
Using EEG to Examine Action Semantics in Primary Progressive Aphasia |
Lebkuecher, Amy |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
A35 |
Aspects of syntactic production represented in inferior frontal gyrus |
Lei, Tianhao |
Language Production |
A36 |
Linyan, Liu |
Multisensory or Sensorimotor Integration |
A37 |
Lo, Chia-Wen |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
A39 |
Lu, Jiayi |
Methods |
A38 |
Lu, Yiming |
Reading |
A40 |
LUO, Haolun |
Methods |
A41 |
Marin Marin, Lidon |
Reading |
A42 |
Meier, Erin |
Disorders: Acquired |
A43 |
Investigating semantic representations with varying context during language comprehension |
Negi, Anuja |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
A44 |
Oppong, Abigail |
Multilingualism |
A45 |
Pozdniakova, Viktoriia |
Disorders: Acquired |
A46 |
The bilingual language processor: A separate or shared system? |
Sabourin, Laura |
Multilingualism |
A47 |
Sakai, Hiromu |
Language Production |
A48 |
Cerebro-cerebellar interactions during narrative comprehension in Chinese-English bilinguals |
Tang, Chan |
Multilingualism |
A49 |
Tominaga, Jion |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
A50 |
Torres, Catalina |
Prosody |
A51 |
The Adaptation of an Aphasia Tool for Maltese - English Bilingual Adults |
Vassallo, Lorraine |
Disorders: Acquired |
A53 |
Major white matter tracts underlying language processing-a tractography study |
WANG, Qingchun |
Disorders: Acquired |
A52 |
Wang, Yanlin |
Computational Approaches |
A54 |
Exploring Cross-Categorical Pitch Shift Effects on Mandarin Tone Production |
Wu, Ya-Ning |
Language Production |
A55 |
Role of Gesture in Second Language Comprehension: an fMRI study |
Yan, Jiaxin |
Multilingualism |
A56 |
Psycholinguistic constructs underlying words in naturalistic listening |
Yang, Xuan |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
A57 |
Yang, Yue |
Disorders: Developmental |
A58 |
Yeaton, Jeremy |
Language Production |
A59 |
The developmental trajectory of word-onset encoding in running speech |
Zeng, Zhen |
Language Development/Acquisition |
A60 |
The Influence of Bilingualism on Neural Connectivity in Children’s Reading Development |
Zhang, Kehui |
Multilingualism |
A61 |
The neural basis of lexical tone in bilingual language processing |
Zhang, Xindong |
Speech Perception |
A62 |
zhao, wanying |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |