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Poster Session C
Friday, October 25, 4:30 - 6:00 pm, Great Hall 4
C1 |
Decoding personal mental images with an fMRI model of sentence semantics |
Anderson, Andrew |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
C2 |
Beier, Eleonora |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C3 |
The neural underpinnings of time comprehension: evidence from 85 left-hemisphere stroke survivors |
Biondo, Nicoletta |
Disorders: Acquired |
C4 |
Revisiting the assumption of homotopic transcallosal suppression in language |
Bitan, Tali |
Disorders: Acquired |
C5 |
Neural bases of speech categorization sensitive to articulatory perturbation |
Bizimungu, Olivia |
Computational Approaches |
C6 |
Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Ina |
Language Development/Acquisition |
C7 |
Cai, Ceci Q. |
Speech Perception |
C8 |
Readers Extract Some Grammatical Information In A Single Fixation, Across Sentence Structures Sandbox Series |
Chacón, Dustin A. |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
C9 |
Chao, Pei-Chun |
Reading |
C10 |
Cordonier, Natacha |
Disorders: Acquired |
C11 |
Crepaldi, Davide |
Reading |
C12 |
de Zubicaray, Greig |
Disorders: Acquired |
C13 |
From wordforms to meaning: understanding the neurobiology of word learning using experimental pain. |
Egorova-Brumley, Natalia |
Language Development/Acquisition |
C14 |
Skilled deaf, but not hearing, readers exhibit neural tuning in the right Visual Word Form System |
Emmorey, Karen |
Reading |
C16 |
Fong, Manson Cheuk-Man |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
C17 |
Tracing adults’ word segmentation abilities: A comparison between younger and older bilinguals |
Fuente-García, Patricia |
Multilingualism |
C18 |
Geng, Xiujuan |
Language Development/Acquisition |
C19 |
Disfluencies reduce the effect of uh word surprisal during narrative comprehension |
Giglio, Laura |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C21 |
Glica, Agnieszka |
Disorders: Developmental |
C20 |
Gordon, Reyna |
Disorders: Developmental |
C22 |
He, Danni |
Language Development/Acquisition |
C23 |
Hsin, Cheng-Hung |
Speech Perception |
C24 |
Electrophysiological Evidence for Hemispheric Coordination during Reading Emotion |
Hsu, I-Ling |
Reading |
C25 |
Aging by naming performance: Semantic network structure differences in the young and older adults |
Hung, Jinyi |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
C26 |
Jeong, Myung Yung |
Writing and Spelling |
C27 |
Jiang, Jiahao |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C28 |
Johnson, Micah A |
Speech-Language Treatment |
C29 |
Neural contributions to the speech disorder in Huntington’s disease |
Kearney, Elaine |
Disorders: Acquired |
C30 |
Ko, Yi-Chun |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C31 |
Korzeniewska, Anna |
Language Production |
C32 |
Kropp, Emerson |
Disorders: Acquired |
C33 |
Representation of verbal thought in motor cortex and implications for speech neuroprostheses |
Kunz, Erin M. |
Speech Motor Control |
C34 |
Lee, Tingwu |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
C35 |
Li, Yuanning |
Computational Approaches |
C36 |
Liu, Jessie R. |
Speech Motor Control |
C37 |
Lu, Yiming |
Computational Approaches |
C38 |
Motor experiences rather than sensory errors mediate the update in speech production |
Lu, Yuhan |
Speech Motor Control |
C39 |
Modeling the trajectory of language processing in neural state space |
Ma, Zhengwu |
Computational Approaches |
C40 |
Testing different metrics for syntactic complexity in spontaneous speech: a cross-genre comparison |
Mancini, Simona |
Disorders: Acquired |
C15 |
Neural selectivity for sign-based phonological units: Evidence from fMRI adaptation |
McCullough, Stephen |
Phonology |
C41 |
Are the Time-reversed Syllables Perceptible?Unraveling the question through MEG responses |
Meng, Yuting |
Speech Perception |
C42 |
Neural geometry of speech preparation in ventral premotor cortex |
Meschede-Krasa, Benyamin |
Speech Motor Control |
C43 |
Ng, Xavreila Sheung-Wa |
Multilingualism |
C44 |
Prediction of reading processing time in adults using auditory event-related potentials |
Park, Eunbi |
Reading |
C45 |
Pliatsikas, Christos |
Multilingualism |
C46 |
Rangus, Ida |
Disorders: Acquired |
C47 |
Comprehending semantic and syntactic anomalies from an LLM versus human interlocutor: An ERP study |
Rao, Xiaohui |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C48 |
Schumacher, Rahel |
Language Production |
C49 |
shan, bingfeng |
Reading |
C50 |
Sheppard, Shannon M. |
Disorders: Acquired |
C51 |
TMS Efficacy Related to Topological Properties of Right Pars Triangularis in Chronic Aphasia |
Stoll, Harrison |
Speech-Language Treatment |
C52 |
Neural Encoding for Language with Supervised Large Language Models |
Sun, Jingyuan |
Computational Approaches |
C53 |
The relation of articulatory and laryngeal auditory–motor control in tonal language speakers |
Tang, Ding-Lan |
Speech Motor Control |
C54 |
Thanabalan, Thivina |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C55 |
Vision matters for shape representation: Evidence from sculpturing and drawing in the blind |
Tian, Shuang |
Multisensory or Sensorimotor Integration |
C74 |
Automated Lesion Segmentation Using Acute and Chronic Stroke MRI with nnU-Net |
Truzman, Tammar |
Methods |
C56 |
Clinical neuroimaging as a predictor of recovery from aphasia over time |
Walljasper, Lily |
Disorders: Acquired |
C61 |
Wang, Jin |
Language Production |
C58 |
Extra Language Control Required for Morphological Inflections in Bilingual Word Production |
Wang, Qiping |
Control, Selection, and Executive Processes |
C60 |
Wang, Shuyue |
Multisensory or Sensorimotor Integration |
C57 |
“Cohort” and “Rhyme” in Lexical Tones in Spoken Word Recognition |
Wang, Xin |
Speech Perception |
C59 |
Wang, Xin |
Multilingualism |
C62 |
Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (fMRS) Study on Reading-Related Metabolite Changes |
Wasilewska, Katarzyna |
Reading |
C64 |
When A Man Says He Is Pregnant: The Neural Correlates of Speaker-contextualized Language Processing |
Wu, Hanlin |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C63 |
Investigating the Role of Cortical Microstructure in Language Lateralization Using Quantitative MRI |
wu, Xiaoyin |
Methods |
C65 |
Yan, Xiaohui |
Disorders: Developmental |
C67 |
Brain activation in children with varying reading skills during visual motion processing |
Yang, Ya-Xi |
Reading |
C66 |
YANG, Yaqi |
Disorders: Developmental |
C68 |
Yeaton, Jeremy |
Disorders: Acquired |
C69 |
Yu, Ruifeng |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
C70 |
Zhang, Meichao |
Meaning: Lexical Semantics |
C71 |
ZHANG, Yichi |
Writing and Spelling |
C72 |
Causal inference in discourse: N400 predicted by surprisal estimates from large language models |
Zhao, Xingyuan |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
C73 |
Zhu, Miaomiao |
Language Production |