Lightning Talk Sessions
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Lightning Talks A
Tuesday, October 24, 10:00 - 10:15 am CEST, Auditorium

Chair: Michele T. Diaz, The Pennsylvania State University
A14 |
Huizeling, Eleanor |
Meaning: Discourse and Pragmatics |
A50 |
Schoknecht, Pia |
Syntax and Combinatorial Semantics |
A74 |
Dendritic non-linearity supports the formation and reactivation of word memories as cell assemblies |
Quaresima, Alessio |
Speech Perception |
A84 |
Du, Yi |
Speech Perception |
A100 |
Evanson, Linnea |
Language Development/Acquisition |
A126 |
Cortical and subcortical mechanisms of orthographic learning |
Rapp, Brenda |
Reading |