Member-Initiated Virtual Activity
Presurgical language mapping
Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 pm CET Europe/Paris
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Organized by: Stephen Wilson Contact Stephen
Language neuroscientists are often called upon to perform or consult on functional brain mapping in patients who are candidates for resective neurosurgery. This virtual activity is for anyone who finds themself in this position, or anyone interested in getting involved in this kind of work. All levels of experience are welcome. How do we obtain valid and reliable maps of language areas in individual patients? How do we communicate with patients to optimize the quality of the brain mapping we perform? How do we work constructively with radiologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, neuropsychologists, and other key staff? What is the evidence that presurgical language mapping leads to better health outcomes for patients?
Maximum attendees: 8
Attendees: Dr. Huma Batool, Aimun Noor, Andrey Zyryanov, Maëva Michon, BETTINA AGUIAR, Ileana Quinones, mamoona malik, Ingrid Johnsrude